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You may register for the 2020 GLGS Collegiate or Youth Competitions by filling out the form below. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Participation options and fees:


  • $100 Collegiate Competitor - allows for participation in the competition as well as one masterclass with one of our festival artists.  

  • $75 Youth Major Division Competitor - allows for participation in the competition as well as one masterclass with one of our festival artists  

  • $50 Youth Junior Division Competitor - allows for participation in the competition as well as one masterclass with one of our festival artists. 



100% of the fees from your registration go into the GLGS Festival & Competition in order to continue bringing great classical guitarists to Central and Western New York. Thank you for your support and we are very excited to welcome you to Assad in Buffalo 2019 and The Great Lakes Guitar Society's Collegiate and Youth Competitions. 




After filling out the form below, please make payment online or write a check payable to Great Lakes Guitar Society, Inc. and send to:

Great Lakes Guitar Society

181 Mountainview Ave

Syracuse, NY 13224

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